Q: Where is my nearest FFL office?
A: Please visit https://familyfirstlife.com/#offices for a full list if our offices!
Q: When is the next live training?
A: Check out our events page for an up-to-date list of all national ffl events! https://familyfirstlife.com/events.aspx
Q: How do I subscribe to FFL's email updates?
A: Click here to sign up for the FFL Corporate email blast: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001K8xwuOsUSHoM15IiOp8Olt6u9dx5VX2y1nAh81F7CZRqnJZN6nAN5JH-EeICApDDSHCZA8GOk3PGJu8ezQiTrfcOSQnGBzURCp9IyLM3jNk%3D
Q: Which carriers are available to FFL agents in New York?
A: Transamerica and NLG
Q: What is a chargeback?
A: If the policy lapses within the advance period, any commissions that FFL agent was paid for the policy that are unearned will be charged back to the FFL agent. A debt balance will be reflected under the agent's writing number until payments/new business have resolved the balance.
Q: How do FFL agents get paid?
A: Agents are paid by the carriers via direct deposit when a policy issues.
For example: (If an agent is recruited at 110% compensation and writes a policy for $85/ month and that policy is approved and issued by the carrier)
$85 x 12 months = $1,020 annual premium (AP)
$1020 AP x 110% compensation rate = $1,122 total earnings for the agent
75% (or 9 months' worth of premiums) will be advanced when the policy issues = $841.50 deposited when policy issues
25% (remaining 3 months' worth) deposited at 1 year = $280.50