What is a secondary account?
A secondary account is a great way to work off roll-up debt with Americo without forfeiting all of your commissions until the balance is clear. You can request a certain percentage (typically 50%) of your earnings be applied towards your debt balance until the balance is cleared. This does not impact your compensation level.
What are the requirements?
The balance must be $5,000 or greater. Requesting agent must be in good standing with Americo & FFL.
Approval will be required from your direct upline and highest level upline.
You will need to meet reduction requirements in order to keep this account active. If you default on your reduction, Americo will move the remaining debt back to your primary account and retain 100% of your earnings until it's resolved.
How do I get started?
To request a secondary account, please forward your "Americo Daily Update" email to agentsupport@familyfirstlife.com. Gee or Jazmine will contact your direct upline & highest level upline to get approval and submit the change to Americo.
Typically, Americo will put this in place within two-three business days of me submitting the request to them.